=======Configuring HA NFS export of home directories stored on ceph file storage and mounting on clients with automount within FreeIPA infrastructure ======= ==== Introduction. ==== Recently i faced with task of creating HA NFS export of home directories of cephfs storage within [[http://www.freeipa.org/page/Main_Page|FreeIPA]] infrastructure. \\ All devices joined to domen example.com. Network is Cephfs storage consists of 3 nodes with cephfs mounted /cephfs directory. All home directories of users are stored in /cephfs/home.\\ Home directories must be mount by using automount because all users have sudo permissions on their own PCs. All OSs are Centos 7. \\ {{:ru:jobs:ipa_ha_nfs.jpg?600|600}} This article will only focused on configuring of NFS HA and automount within an %%FreeIPA%% domain. ==== Configurating Temporary server ==== Configuring HA NFS export required to install temporary server with name nfs-home-server.example.com (**IP -**). Server must be joined to domain example.com. \\ The server that has been joined can be poweroff forever. ==== Configuring IPA server for automount ==== On directory server ipa-server.example.com.\\ Creating nfs service principal: kinit admin #can be used any user with admin permissions ipa service-add nfs/nfs-home-server.example.com ipa service-add nfs/client.example.com # must be created for every server or that will be used automount Creating automount record: ipa automountmap-add default auto.home ipa automountkey-add default --key "/home" --info auto.home auto.master ipa automountkey-add default --key "*" --info "-fstype=nfs4,rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 nfs-home-server.example.com:/cephfs/home/&" auto.home ==== Creating HA NFS export ==== **For every of cephfs nodes.**\\ Installing: yum install rpcbind nfs-utils -y Configuring export: echo "/cephfs/home *(rw,sec=sys:krb5:krb5i:krb5p)" > /etc/exports Edit /etc/sysconfig/nfs SECURE_NFS=yes Saving NFS and HOST principals: kinit admin #can be used any user with admin permissions ipa-getkeytab -s ipa-server.example.com -p host/nfs-home-server.example.com -k /etc/krb5.keytab ipa-getkeytab -s ipa-server.example.com -p nfs/nfs-home-server.example.com -k /etc/krb5.keytab Starting nfs server: systemctl enable rpcbind nfs-server nfs-lock nfs-idmap systemctl start rpcbind nfs-server nfs-lock nfs-idmap Creating HA shared IP -\\ Instaling pcs cluster on all nodes: yum install pacemaker corosync resource-agents pcs -y Configuring pcs cluster\\ Set the same passsword for hacluster user on all nodes: passwd hacluster Enable and start pcsd service: systemctl enable pcsd.service systemctl start pcsd.service Configure cluster from any of node: pcs cluster auth ceph-node1.example.com ceph-node2.example.com ceph-node3.example.com pcs cluster setup --name nfs-ha ceph-node1.example.com ceph-node2.example.com ceph-node3.example.com --force pcs cluster start --all Check: pcs status Setup properties: pcs property set stonith-enabled=false pcs property set no-quorum-policy=stop Creating HA resource, configuring share IP address: pcs resource create NFS_Shared_IP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 op monitor interval=30s If check is ok, ha cluster was successfully created. ==== Configuring automount on clients ==== Saving NFS principal: kinit admin #can be used any user with admin permissions ipa-getkeytab -s ipa-server.example.com -p nfs/client.example.com -k /etc/krb5.keytab Installing , configuring and starting automount: yum install autofs -y ipa-client-automount --location=default systemctl start autofs ==== Enjoy! ==== ==== About author ==== [[https://www.linkedin.com/pub/alexey-vyrodov/59/976/16b|Profile]] of the author